Essay on air pollution: Air pollution is the release of pollutants such as gases, particles, biological molecules, etc. into the air that harm human health and the environment.
Air pollution paragraph 150 words
The air we breathe in is getting polluted day by day With the growth of the population, new industries are setting up, and the number of vehicles release toxic gases to the environment and cause air pollution. Again with the growth of population human beings are destroying the environment by burning fossil fuels, and cutting down trees. The greenhouse effect is also another cause of air pollution. Due to air pollution, poisonous ultraviolet rays are entering the environment. The UV rays affect humans by causing skin problems and many other diseases. Air pollution can never be stopped but can be controlled- More and more. plants need to be planted to control air pollution. People can also use eco-friendly fuels so that the environment can never be harmed.
Air pollution essay 250 words
Air pollution is one of the main environmental issues nowadays. There are many reasons behind regularly increasing this air pollution. Most of the air pollution is caused by automobiles, transport means, industrialization, growing cities, etc. The release of several harmful gases or dangerous elements from such sources is causing the whole atmospheric air pollution. The ozone layer is also getting affected too much by air pollution which causes serious disturbances to the environment Increasing need of the ever-growing human population is the main cause of pollution. Daily human being activities cause dangerous chemicals to be released, making the atmosphere dirtier than ever and forcing climate change negatively Industrialization process releases many harmful gases, particles, paint, and batteries containing leads, and cigarettes release carbon carbon monoxide. To reduce the level of air pollution we should bring some huge changes to our habits. daily. We should not cut trees, use public transportation, avoid spray cans and so many. activities in favor of reducing air pollution.
Water pollution
Essay on air pollution 350 words
Air pollution is the release of pollutants such as gases, particles, biological molecules, etc. into the air that harm human health and the environment.
Types of Air Pollution
There are two types of air pollution – some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes (ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, cluster) Soil particles, storms, forest fires, and man-made sources are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, domestic sources etc.
Harmful effects
Air pollution is very harmful to all living beings and the environment. Global warming and acid rain are the main effects of air pollution. It causes several health diseases like breathing diseases, respiratory problems, skin diseases, and eye, nose, and throat irritation.
How to reduce air pollution
We should plant more and more trees to make air pure. Use of public transport, carpooling, and electric vehicles, and less use of electricity can control air pollution. We should stop burning fossil fuels, trash, and leaves. Use of alternate energy like solar energy+ or wind energy can held. help to reduce air pollution.
Air pollution essay 500 words
Pollution is the harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. or They can be a human activity, such as trash or produced by Factories. pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land. Air pollution is one of them.
Types of Air Pollution
There are two types of air pollution – some natural sources of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, volcanoes (ash, carbon dioxide, smoke, cluster) Soil particles, storms, forest fires, and man-made sources are industry, agriculture, energy plants, automated vehicles, domestic sources etc.
Causes of Air pollution
1. Burning of fossil fuels, and firewood.
2. Deforestation and cutting down trees.
3. Release of toxic gases in the atmosphere such as aerosols, oxide of nitrogen, and carbon.
Harmful effects
Air pollution is a sign of heart disease (angina) lung disease (asthma), when more pollutants are polluting the air, a burning sensation in the eyes, chest tightness, and coughing are common. children are more fragile than adults because they affect diseases Such as bronchitis. People are more likely to die from respiratory disease and lung cancer in heavily polluted. areas.
We should take preventive measures to control air pollution. Steps should be taken globally to stop it. Reuse and recycling of waste materials eco-friendly & lifestyle and afforestation should be adopted by humans. to control air pollution.
Read more:
Essay on pollution of environment
1. What are bad effects of air pollution?
Air pollution is a sign of heart disease (angina) lung disease (asthma), and cancer.
2. What are the 3 main effects of air pollution?
Acid rain, respiratory disease and lung cancer.
3. What are 3 human causes of air pollution?
1. Burning of fossil fuels, and fire wood.
2. Deforestation and cutting down trees.
3.Release of chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere.