Essay on pollution of environment PDF


The life on earth is Sustained by a sort of balance created by nature. However, this balance created by nature is So delicate that if a part of it is destroyed, disturbed, or diminished, it will be found that the whole is destroyed.

Environmental Pollution

The increasing interference of man with the elements of nature such as air, water, forests, wildlife, etc. has greatly disturbed our environment. The result is that we are living in an age of pollution. We breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat polluted food, and live in a polluted environment.

 Deterioration in ecology

Experts say that India has 21 percent of its total area under forests against a desired 33 percent. Illegal felling of trees by forest Contractors in league with officials and politicians is going on unchecked. Our wildlife is being recklessly destroyed Selfish ends. With the fast dwindling of forests and wildlife has been a serious deterioration in the quality of life and ecology.


 Rapid industrialization and an increase in the population of big towns and cities have polluted our rivers lakes and seas and also smoke from the factories and vehicles into the air. The Vehicles plying on roads cause large-scale pollution. Noise pollution caused by machines Vehicles, railways, factories and loudspeakers etc.

Dangerous situation

what terrible damage man has done and is constantly doing to his environment, damage that will eventually destroy him and all that he has made. Nobody can Save him from this danger of extinction.

Remedial Measure

Students can play an important role in checking the menace of environmental pollution. They can generate environmental awareness in the people.


Ultimately the solution lies in re-establishing the broken link between man and nature. it is high time to come together and end this fight against pollution for the betterment of future generations.

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